2017 Portrait Series - Introducing Bekah

This is the first post of a planned series of portrait shoots over 2017. 

For our first portrait shoot I'd like to introduce you to Bekah!

Nikon D750 | 85mm F1.8 | F4.5 | 1/640s | ISO 100

Bekah and I began working together through a mutual friend a few years ago. On this shoot we took some "In Studio" portraits using a monolight and a shower curtain spread over a background support system to make a giant make-shift softbox. This was my first time trying this kind of lighting setup and I am quite happy with the results.

Nikon D750 | 50mm F1.8 | F1.8 | 1/160s | ISO 100

Nikon D750 | 85mm F1.8 | F3.2 | 1/800s | ISO 100

After working in studio we decided to head out to a couple local locations in Erie because we had surprisingly good weather for it being in the middle of the winter. (Really, over 70 degrees in February!)

We plan on doing more shoots soon, check back often to see what we come up with! If you are interested in being a part of the 2017 Portrait Series, let me know over on the Contact Page.

Check out the rest of the photos below!

Eric Dye

Photographer, Videographer, Designer


2017 Portrait Series - Early Morning Portraits


Shooting in Adverse Weather: Senior Portrait Examples